AlphaUserPoints + CPALead
Postback Plugin for Joomla
One of our web design clients had the need for a custom solution to integrate their CPALead advertising account with their Alpha User Points Joomla Component. We searched around and could not find any good implementations of this, so we created one from scratch. Here is an overview on how it works: First, a user visits the website and registers for an account using the built-in Joomla registration procedure. Then they click on your CPALead widget (code for widget can be obtained via your CPALead Dashboard) and complete an offer. Upon successful completion, CPALead notifies the plug-in and the plug-in gives the user their newly earned points! Also, registering for a user account is not required. If a guest tries to complete an offer, their points can be disregarded or be sent to a specified default user account (such as admin for example). This plug-in also gives you the option of adding the AdBlockPlus checking script and JavaScript disabled checking script to each page of your website.
- Front-End Demo can be found here. (Create a user account, login, and click "Earn Points" at the top. Complete an offer and watch your available points grow.)
- A CPALead account is required (click here to sign-up under us) and of course, AlphaUserPoints is also required.